HPV Vaccinations Update

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4th March 2025 was HPV Awareness Day and UKHSA is reminding parents that the HPV vaccine gives life-saving protection against cervical cancer.

It also protects girls and boys from several other types of cancer.

The NHS HPV vaccination programme in England has dramatically reduced HPV infections and rates of cervical cancers in vaccine-eligible women.

Locally within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, vaccination rates improved in 2023/24 however they remain below pre-pandemic levels with over a quarter of pupils nationally missing out on vital protection.

Children are routinely offered HPV vaccinations from the school-aged immunisation service, in-school during Year 8. If individuals miss the school vaccination visit, community catch up clinics are held across Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent.

Homeschooled children will also be invited to attend community clinics at age 12-13 to receive their vaccinations.

Year 9 students who have not received an HPV vaccine will be offered an HPV vaccine at a community catch up clinic when the school-aged immunisation service visits their school to deliver meningoccal & tetanus/diptheria and polio vaccines in year 9.

Further information on the school-aged immunisation service is available from the MPFT website:


The HPV vaccine has maximum effectiveness when administered prior to the onset of sexual activity therefore there is a local focus to increase uptake through the school provision.

Where individuals remain unvaccinated in year 10 (aged 14), HPV vaccines are however available from GP practices up to the age of 25 years old and individuals are encouraged to catch up on their vaccinations where necessary.